As I have previously written about our COVID Pod one of the non-academic activities we were looking forward to in late 2020 to 2021 – was skiing.

We’re fortunate to be about 45 minutes drive from the nearest ski area. An hour or more drive to resorts like Attitash, Loon or mountains like Cannon. Our oldest is on her 4th season and this is season 1 for our youngest.

For me it was the first time back on skiis in 20 plus years, snowboarding mostly of that time. With kids skiis just made more sense and I was lucky to get a used pair from my brother (who is an avid skier at 30-60 days over the season).

The season was also a big step for me. Roughly two years ago I tore and ruptured my Achilles tendon. Surgery, physical therapy, and recovery took months. I was on hiatus last season, mostly due to confidence and a hint of trauma. I did not want to go through that or put my family through that ordeal again.

This season was different. My family, all the kids in the Covid Pod were really excited to go skiing finally. I knew I had to be there too. I was rusty at first, but it was fun for the kids to almost have a peer re-learning the process.

The skiis my brother loaned me were a but much. 177cm, wide, and really heavy. I opted to find some used skiis, and purchased a pair of “beater skiis” that were much shorter and half the weight. Once I got some practice the timing could not have been better, heading up the lift with my kids on their first times up.

We managed to book a rental cabin in North Conway during school breaks and even stay at a relatives on weekends in Woodstock. The most fun for me though was the weekly Thursday night skiing with my oldest daughter. We would drive up, snack, ski, and camp in the parking lot with a portable grill before a few more runs and ride home.

There is a sense of normalcy to it. Being able to venture outdoors and enjoy nature with family. Helps me find my center.